Fondazione IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo
N° Verde Prenotazioni (rete fissa) 800.638638 | 02 99.95.99 (da cellulare)
Attività assistenziale

CV Farronato Arianna






medico specializzata in chirurgia toracica

Struttura Complessa di appartenenza (come da POA)

Dip. Cardiotoracovascolare: Chirurgia Toracica

Incarico attuale

dirigente medico

Numero telefonico dell'ufficio


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Titolo di studio

laurea in medicina e chirurgia, specializzazione in chirurgia toracica

Altri titoli di studio e professionali

Fellowship research in the Inbioengineering Lab, INSERM Paris-Saclay University, at Marie Lannelongue Hospital, Le Plessis Robinson, Paris, from 2022/2023. • Fellowship research in the Thoracic and Cardio-Vascular Surgery Department at Marie Lannelongue Hospital, Le Plessis Robinson, Paris, from 2022/2023. • Resident in the Thoracic and Cardio-Vascular Surgery Department at Marie Lannelongue Hospital, Le Plessis Robinson, Paris, from 2021/2022. • Resident in Thoracic Surgery at the University of Florence, Florence, from 29/12/2017 to 31/12/2022. • MD, University of Siena, Banchi di sotto, Siena, 09/2010 to 07/2016

Esperienze professionali

 Surgeon Consultant in the Department of Cardio-Thoracic-Vascular, Division of Thoracic Surgery, at Fondazione IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo, Pavia, from 01/06/2023.  Fellowship research in the Inbioengineering Lab, INSERM Paris-Saclay University, at Marie Lannelongue Hospital, Le Plessis Robinson, Paris, from 2022/2023.  Fellowship research in the Thoracic and Cardio-Vascular Surgery Department at Marie Lannelongue Hospital, Le Plessis Robinson, Paris, from 2022/2023.  Residency program in the Thoracic and Cardio-Vascular Surgery Department at Marie Lannelongue Hospital, Le Plessis Robinson, Paris, from 2021/2022.  Residency program in Thoracic Surgery at the University of Florence, Florence, from 29/12/2017 to 31/12/2022.  Medical guard for emergency COVID19, USl Toscana-centro, 01/04/2021 to 31/10/21 Medical guard for emergency COVID19, USl Toscana-centro, 01/04/2021 to 31/10/21  Medical guard, USl7 Siena, 05/2017 to 10/2017  Medical guard, USL9 Grosseto, 08/2017 to 10/2017 Capacità linguistiche (max 2000 caratteri): Languages and Fluency Level: Italian native language, English B2, France B2 Capacità nell’uso delle tecnologie (max 1000 caratteri) :  Intuitive Technology Training for surgeon, in London 12/02/2024-13/02/2024  ESTS congress, Milan, 04/06/2023- 06/06/2023  Robotic webinars-non-technical skill in rats, ESTS webinar 15/03/2023  4th Vienna-ESTS Laryngotracheal Course, Vienna, 02/03/23 -04/03/23  EXPERT LECTURE: Novel aspects in immunotherapy trials in NSCLC. ESTS webinar 19/12/2022  ERS congress, Barcelona, 04/09/2022 06/09/2022  Sublobar resection where are we heading after the jcog and calgb trials. ESTS webinar 14/03/2022  Surgery of the thoracic inlet. ESTS webinar 13/03/2022  ICH Good Clinical Practice E6 (R2), Paris - 01/12 /22  ESTS Knowledge Track Course held in Prague on 28/03 – 1/04/ 2022.  37° SICT, L’Aquila 30/09/21 – 02/10/21  34and EACTS 08/10/20 to 10/10/20  20° Annual meeting ESTS 02/10/20 to 04/10/20  32and EACTS, Milano 18/10/18 to 18/10/18  Stage in Thoracic Surgery, Marie Lannelongue Hospital, Paris, 23/05/19 to 30/05/19  ACLS, Reggio Emilia 02/10/17 to 04/10/17  MIMMS, Verona 19/10/17  BLSD, Siena 24/06/17  Practical training in Thoracic Surgery, University of Siena, Siena, 06/2014 to 06/2017